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Inventory Spotlight: Surplus Model #485A3-CS

At Mar-Dustrial we stock thousands of parts as inventory. For years we’ve been working with vendors world-wide providing us with a comprehensive network of resources for our customers.

Today we’d like to highlight a spare part we bought a couple of months ago from a cement plant. A gear reducer, model #485A3-CS.

Mar-Dustrial Feb post pics_20131018-00110This reducer can be used as a conveyer or side agitator drive.

Mar-Dustrial Feb post pics_DSC07016Mar-Dustrial Feb post pics_DSC07018

The value of this unit is $90,000.00, however, if you buy from Mar-Dustrial we are considering offers in the $35,000.00 range, less than half of what you would pay for a new unit.

For more information on what we currently have available, visit our inventory page.

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