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Falk Coupling Tips for Challenging Applications

Here at Mar-Dustrial, one of our mottos is: You can’t go wrong with a Falk coupling. Truly, these ingeniously designed couplings offer countless benefits and are available in a variety of configurations to suit virtually any application or budget.

Still, there are plenty of coupling situations that may require some finesse, even if you’ve got a Falk coupling in hand. We’ve compiled a few resources to help address some of the most common challenges.

Large loads. Applications involving oversize loads – such as in the mining industry – have special coupling requirements. In this blog post, we highlight some of the key considerations when choosing a coupling capable of handling large loads.

High-speed applications. High-speed or precision applications require carefully balanced couplings in order to ensure longevity. Here we explain the balancing process applied to each Falk coupling.

Soft foot. Soft foot occurs when any foot of a gearbox differs in height from the others. In this blog post, we discuss the causes of soft foot and offer tips for minimizing it.

Misalignments. Falk couplings are renowned for their ability to accommodate misalignments. Here we explain the different types of misalignments that commonly occur.

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